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Philippine Guild of Watercolorists (PGW) is proud to invite you to the 4th National Watercolor Convention 2021 and Annual Members Juried Exhibit with the theme: “Hues of Hope”.

PGW aim to build awareness, interest, and appreciation to the watercolor art and discover, hone, and support local talents through art-related 4Es: Education, Events, Exposure, and Experiences.

PGW continues its mission to further increase passion for watercolor art, empower our members with new techniques, spread joy to the community, and inspire aspirations by telling our stories through art at the month-long and activity-filled convention graced by prominent local and international artists and resource speakers!

We are excited to see you there!

Register NOW!

With full access to all convention activities and recordings (lifetime)
Php 1500 – for PGW members
Php 1800 – for non members

With full access to all convention activities and recordings (until September 30, 2021 only)
Php 1000 – for PGW members
Php 1300 – for non members

Registration includes a Convention Kit that you can pick up from Makati. Nationwide shipping fee for Convention Kit is P200.

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