Prepare your watercolors, brushes, and paper as Doctor Alvin De Jesus shows and shares his process in painting on the spot. He will be sharing the reference photo on the day itself just for all of us to have a starting point. From here, he will share how you can have a sound composition in your painting, how you can make decisions while painting, how you can develop your artistic style that even without the reference photo, you can paint anything that comes to mind.

Special thanks to our host, Ms. Yna Sorongon

Reference Photo

Doc DJ’s Demo Piece

Some of the comments from the convention participants.
For more info about Doc DJ visit his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/alvin.dejesus.501

Thank you to the 11 Official Paint Along Entries! Winner will be announced during the Closing Ceremony and Awarding on November 19 Saturday 7pm!